Can a Chatbot on Messenger Help Improve Your Site’s SEO?

Stefan van der VlagBest Practice, General, Guides & Resources, Improving Conversions


How on earth can a chatbot on messenger help with SEO and the rankings of your website? Yeah, when I first asked myself that question I was stabbing in the dark too. But, after getting those brains cracking just a little bit harder I finally stumbled upon the answer. Look, savvy as you are, you know that SEO, or search engine optimization if you will, is an important factor when it comes to the success of your business. And in this (smaller) edition of our blog, you discover how using a chatbot on Messenger on your website is affecting your rankings – for the better – in the search engines.

First, SEO and Ranking Your Website in Search Engines

As you know, SEO is the practice of ranking your website higher in Search Engines, like; Google, Bing, and many others. Nowadays, SEO, typically, consists out of 3 main components. On-page SEO, Content Quality, and Link building. The goal of SEO is quite simple, increasing the quality and quantity of traffic to your website from organic search results As per

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.

But how does a chatbot on messenger influence SEO? And do they do this in a good way, or a bad way?

So, can a Chatbot on Messenger help with SEO Optimization?

Yup. Using a chatbot on Messenger can definitely improve your SEO ranking. But, only if it enhances customer experience on your site – this means it can’t scare your visitors off. We recommend you to use the customer chat widget to enable Live Chat with a Messenger chatbot on your web pages.

We recommend this for SEO because it ties with one major benefit… It can increase the Time Spent on your Page. Which is a variable Google factors-in when determining the rank of your website. But before we dive into this, let’s have a quick look at other great benefits chatbots have to offer.

Other benefits of the Customer Chat Widget:

Look, if you’ve been in business long enough… You know visitors that come to your website often have questions about the product or service you’re selling. A chatbot could be a good idea as it saves time for both you and your customers. Also, your customers won’t have to look for answers or a way to get in contact with you. Because the little Live Chat bubble that gets people talking with your chatbot sits right there in the lower right corner – giving visitors an easy way to get in touch.

Plus, you will save time by not having to answer those recurring questions. A chatbot on Messenger will save time by automating the answers. Instead of having a human answering the questions, the chatbot will do it for you. In this scenario, having a chatbot not only saves you time… But also the money otherwise spent on customer service. The coolest feature, chatbots have the added advantage of being available 24/7 – they don’t need sleep like us humanoids.

2 Ways How a Chatbot on Messenger Improves SEO

Using a chatbot on your website can increase your search rankings in 3 easy ways, get the juicy details below:

1. Time Spent On The Landing Page

It’s a good thing when visitors spend more time on your site and its pages. This because of the algorithms for Google factors-in the time spent by visitors on your website. As a result, this pushes the business higher on web rankings and searches as well. See, when a visitor spends more time on your website, it lets Google know your site is important. With a chatbot on Messenger, there’s BIG a chance visitors stay even longer on your site, as they’re likely to chat with the bot when it’s visible.

2. Link To Significant Pages On The Website

When a chatbot is reliable and efficient, customers are more likely to stick around and shop. Plus, as visitors talk more and more with the chatbot, they get to understand what the visitor is looking for. A perfect time to drop a link to other pages on the website. Boosting the importance of your website even more. Whether it’s the pages featuring your products catalog, or the page showcasing your FAQs… It’s another click that helps google determine how it should rank your page. And of course, using the chatbot to link to other pages simply enhances the user experience.

Integrate a Chatbot With your CRM

Okay, not so much of an “SEO tip”, but an interesting benefit nonetheless, because a bot also turns visitors into interested prospects. From interested prospects, you can then easily convert them to buying customers, increasing your sales.

How does it work?

Well, you can also have the chatbot collect contact details from the users. Submit this to your CRM, such as Salesforce, and automate the tracking. Next to following up with chatbot broadcasts, ads, you can also start sending newsletters that promote your products.

Check out our chatbot integrations right here to see if your CRM or autoresponder is listed – if not, you can always use Zapier or Integromat.


Ranking high in the search engines is a vital, and important, ingredient in the road to success with your business. Frankly, it should never be neglected. What’s cool is that once a business uses a chatbot, it can catapult and launch the company to higher rankings. With a chatbot on Messenger, you make sure visitors stay longer on your website… The longer they stay, the more attention they pay to what happens on your site, the more likely they are to perform the actions you want them to take.

That said. Chatbots are more than just customer service representatives. As you’ve just read, they can guide customers through your website and its pages. Configuring your chatbot to act in such a way will enable your business to keep the customers on the site for longer periods. Moreover, a chatbot can also show visitors what they can do to grab the product or services being offered. Plus, with this automated way, you, as the business owner, save time… Meaning you (or your human agents) do not have to answer boring, dull, repetitive questions.

Anyways, that’s about it for this blog. Like mentioned, short ‘n sweet this time around.

Now that I still have you here, did you consider adding a Customer Chat widget to your site and pages already? Because setting up a Customer Chat widget with Clepher is quite easy. Frankly, after you connected your Facebook page, getting a widget on your page is just a few clicks away. And before you know it, you got a chatbot on Messenger enhancing the experience on your website… And you enjoy higher rankings!

Get started with Clepher today – you won’t regret it.

Click Here to Discover How to Improve SEO with a Chatbot on Messenger!


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