6 Reasons Why You Need a Facebook Message Chatbot

Stefan van der VlagBest Practice, General, Guides & Resources


When Facebook first introduced its message chatbots for Messenger, it was a massive game-changer for businesses. They could take on the burden of time-consuming tasks like answering customer inquiries and provide them with high-quality service in real time. It makes sense that there has been an increase in interest in these bots due to their ability to serve customers quicker than ever. There are tons of benefits to adding a bot to your Facebook page, and there are studies and data to back that up.

Facebook Messenger data shows that:

  • More than 50% of people now consider messaging a business the modern way to communicate.
  • 53% of people are more likely to interact with a business they can message directly.
  • Data from Facebook has shown that 61% of people in the UK talk to businesses through messages.

A Facebook Message Chatbot on Messenger Benefits Your Businesses

People find messaging a business is much easier than contacting via phone or email as this can be done easily while on the move. There is just a vast range of benefits of using Facebook messenger bots for business, and in this article, I present you with 6 of them. Then, in the end, I’ve got a little bonus content for you as well.

1. Improve customer service

Chatbots Improve Support!

By reaching your potential customers with automated messages, you are more likely to interact with them and increase both the quality of your relationship and conversions. Plus, providing superior customer service is essential for increasing conversions and customer loyalty. When creating your chatbot, make sure you consider FAQs sent to your business and give a quick response. To ensure that people don’t get overwhelmed with information, a chatbot can limit short responses that gradually narrow down the questions asked.

By ensuring that you provide high-quality answers, potential customers will be more likely to interact with you and convert. Not only does relay accurate and precise information play in your favor, but it also helps to build a relationship with your customer. Plus, providing superior service is essential for increasing conversions and loyalty from customers who are happy that they can get their questions answered quickly by your Facebook Messenger chatbot!

2. Build brand awareness

A Facebook message chatbot can be used to increase brand awareness by providing a personalized experience for customers. Using the customer’s name in messages, you are more likely to create an emotional connection. Plus, you’re likely to build trust with them, which will lead to increased conversions as they feel that your business is trustworthy enough to answer their questions and provide high-quality service!

Building relationships has proven successful because it creates personal connections between businesses on messaging apps like Messenger, where people spend the most time online these days: Facebook. The best part about this strategy? It doesn’t require any extra work from employees or staff members–the bot does all the hard work while still being able to get a human to intervene when necessary, so there won’t have anything to worry about.

Besides, Facebook chatbots can provide high-quality service because they can answer questions and make suggestions to support agent hours of work. This way, you will save money on hourly costs you’d be paying your employees. All while still providing your customers with excellent customer care services, which every business needs these days if it wants any chance at success or growth.

3. Encourage people to visit your Product and Sales pages

A Facebook message chatbot can be used to encourage people who are interested in your product or service to visit your sales and product pages. This is done by having the chatbot provide them with a link that will take the customer directly into their shopping cart, where they can purchase what you’re selling without any hassle at all–saving time and money for both parties involved!

And while Facebook Messenger chatbots do everything from answering questions about products/services, they’re great at selling your products/services too. Yup, that’s right, a chatbot can easily automate sales.

The best part? You can set up your bot to send you a notification when someone purchases something from the bot. This way, if there are any questions or concerns about a customer’s purchase, it’s making sure they’re taken care of as soon as possible!

4. Send a Facebook Message Broadcast with your Chatbot

Messenger bots are the best way to communicate with your customers. It’s faster and easier than emailing them, texting them, or calling their landlines! By sending promotional broadcasts to subscribers, you’re able to increase your customer lifetime value with ease. Moreover, broadcasts are a great way to promote your latest products, services, or deals. You can also use them for customer retention by sending messages about upcoming events and promotions that they might be interested in–or even send out “thank you” notes!

You’ll want to broadcast content on Facebook Messenger because it’s more personal than email marketing campaigns, which often get ignored anyway. Sending broadcasts with Facebook Messenger is great because you can send them to people who are already interested in your company and products.

Plus, another reason why you’ll want to use a Facebook Messenger chatbot to broadcast to your subscribers? It’s so easy to set up. Not to mention how much more personal chatbot messaging feels than email marketing campaigns. And honestly? Broadcasts sent via Facebook messenger feel better since they can target people who are already interested in your company and products, which means they’ll be much less likely to ignore the message than if it was sent via another medium like email.

Plus, setting up a Facebook Messenger chatbot broadcast takes just minutes (not even kidding). With a Facebook Messenger chatbot broadcast, you can send messages in bulk at once. Instead of individually sending messages. Doing so will save time on sending out individual emails or texts; this is especially helpful for businesses with lots of customers who need the same information about their products/services!

This brings me to the following reasons.

5. Messenger Bots save you and your business time

Running a business is complicated and time-consuming enough, but Messenger Bots make things easier for entrepreneurs. Facebook Messenger chatbots have recently seen increased use because of their convenience, which comes with 1 major benefit for businesses: it saves a bunch of time.

For example, chatbots are perfect for customer service, as you can provide them with the answers that customers need without any human interaction! This is great because it means your staff won’t have to put time into answering boring repeat questions. In turn, they can focus on other tasks like sales or marketing.

A chatbot on Messenger also saves you time by answering questions in a fraction of the time it would take for you or your staff. This is because chatbots can process information much more quickly than humans, and they don’t need breaks as people do!

6. Include augmented reality

Chatbots can also include augmented reality, which is an excellent and innovative way of engaging with customers. For example: if you have an eCom store, your chatbot could show the customer what their product would look like in different styles or colors by overlaying it on top of them! This means that they’ll feel like they’re in a virtual shopping environment and will be more likely to buy.

Adding augmented reality to your chatbots is also cool because it can make them more exciting and interactive. You can add virtual objects to the real world and make them come alive. And, of course, this will make your chatbot more engaging and fun for customers.

For example, if you have an online cooking class, the customer could see what they’re making by looking at their phone’s screens. This would help them follow along better so that there are no mistakes made when following instructions on how long something needs boiling.

BONUS: Our top tips for writing chatbot messages

Okay, you now know why your business needs a Facebook message chatbot on Messenger, but how do you craft compelling messages that bring home the bacon? I included some tips below for you to bear in mind when building your Facebook chatbot.

1. Text messages, Don’t Overdo Them

Look, I know it’s tempting to bombard your customers with messages, but this will only annoy them. Instead of sending too many texts at once (or even worse – one after the other)… Space out each message so that they don’t feel overwhelmed or like you’re spamming their inboxes!

It’s also worth keeping in mind how much time it takes for a customer to reply- and if there are any delays between replies, then make sure not to send another text until enough minutes have passed. People might be busy working when messaging; waiting outside somewhere where reception isn’t great, or driving home from wherever they came from

Pro tip? Your bot should never have more than 3-4 messages in a row without asking some question or requiring the person to take action, like clicking a button or Quick Reply or providing options for a person to respond with. Facebook Messenger bots are meant to be conversational; keep them that way. This way, you make sure you only provide a couple of sentences per message. Remember, it’s a conversation, not an email.

2. Use emojis

Emojis Make the World Go Round!

Emojis are a superb way to make your bot more personable and add some of that personality juice to your chatbot. A Facebook message chatbot is intentionally less formal than other communication methods. Adding emojis can make the experience more fun and friendlier while reducing the need for so many words. Plus, it being more of a universal language, using emojis in your bot can also make it more accessible to people who don’t speak English as their first language.

The most popular emojis are the smiley face, thumbs up, and heart. But don’t be afraid to get creative! There is a whole world of emojis out there for you to explore if your chatbot needs its personality or not-so-serious tone.

3. Use breaks between messages

This is a significant point. If you are using chatbots to communicate with customers, it’s best not to swamp them by sending multiple messages and instead introducing text breaks into your conversation. We recommend 2-3 seconds between messages, much like a normal conversation. By doing this, you will make your chatbot more human-like and less robotic.

Inside our chatbot builder and marketing suite Clepher, we have a feature that will automatically insert these breaks for you; we call them Smart Delays. The settings automatically pop up when you link 2 messages together.

4. Include images or GIFs

Make conversation feel more genuine with the addition of images and GIFs. Ensure that you don’t make your bot too funny, as each person will find different things funny. Adding a GIF every once in a while is, again, a great way to make your chatbot more human and less robotic.

Of course, inside Clepher, we allow you to upload GIF images next to standard static images. Cliche as it may sound, a picture is worth a thousand words, so make sure you use them in your chatbot.

5. Give people the option to unsubscribe

Make sure you give people the choice to unsubscribe from your Facebook message chatbot. Even though you aim to create a chatbot to build your followers and subscribers, it’s pointless to retain disinterested subscribers. Plus, you don’t want people to start resenting your brand, do you? One of the easiest ways to allow people to unsubscribe is to add it to a “Bot settings” option in the menu.

Final thoughts about Facebook Message Chatbot Benefits

A Facebook message chatbot for Messenger is a fantastic way to provide your customers with an easy-to-use, high-quality way of getting in touch with your business. The benefits shared in this article are just scratching the tip; they’re endless! For example, one of the benefits we didn’t even mention up top is that you can quickly scale your customer service operations with Facebook Messenger chatbots. They’re also super easy to set up and integrate into other systems, like your website or your support desk. Plus, chatbots are a terrific way to give your customers a fast and personal experience.

Our chatbot builder and marketing suite allow you to tap into all the benefits listed in this article and more. All without the hassle of coding one yourself. Our drag-and-drop interface allows you to create a chatbot in minutes. And our suite of marketing tools will help you get the word out fast. You can use the chatbots you create with Clepher for marketing, sales, increasing conversions, customer service, or all of them!

Why not sign up for Clepher now to start building your own Facebook Messenger chatbot? Start and experience the benefits yourself!

Click Here to Get a Facebook Message Chatbot for your Business


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